Building a Mastermind-Inspired Membership in Kajabi for Next-Level Support

What happens when your students have reached a point in their education with you where they need next-level support? Building a next-level mastermind-like membership became my client’s reality. Using their existing Kajabi, we built out the initial membership for founding members which consisted of over 200 video lessons outlining specific advanced techniques.

All identifying information has been removed due to client confidentiality.


My client’s expertise and rapport spans decades which has allowed them to grow a loyal following and student base. Their digital programs teach specialized and advanced techniques but there came a point when some of their students were ready for an even more advanced education and level of support. 

My client decided to build out a membership that would provide video lessons as well as a private community. This allows their students to pick and choose which videos they need the most and get support from my client in the community. 

Not only does this membership create an immersive learning experience but it also brings in $6K in monthly recurring revenue for my client. 

This case study delves into the strategic implementation of Kajabi’s robust features, showcasing the client’s journey toward establishing a thriving membership.

Client Background

My client is a recognized expert in their field, boasting decades of experience and a global following. Their unique business model is that they offer several programs each year, all with a live component where students get direct access to them.

In 2023, my client decided they wanted to launch a membership which would provide advanced support for those who have completed their main program. 

The idea behind this membership is that it provides continued support with access to my client for help with challenging cases. The membership also helps prepare those who are working toward their certification.


Since we were already working together on a retainer-basis for program setups and tech integration, my client came to me because they needed this membership set up. 

The initial launch of the program consisted of over 200 videos which Kajabi made very easy to upload and organize. The membership itself is self-paced but does provide some access to my client for additional support.

My client wanted to run the membership cohort-style so it is not available to join outside of the launch period.


My client already had the plan of what needed to be done so with that information, we were able to establish how I could help them build out their Kajabi to meet their goals. 

  • Build out comprehensive membership with organized video modules and training materials.
  • Establish the founding member rate and set up a checkout page for the subscription.
  • Implement an application process to admit qualified students.
  • Automate as much of the process as possible to eliminate the need for someone to be online during cart open and cart close.
  • Close membership once the deadline date approached.

Why Kajabi?

As my client was already using Kajabi, they obviously wanted to host the membership there as well. There is no video upload limit which allowed me to quickly upload 200+ videos with no issues. 

Once the videos were uploaded, it was easy to organize them into specific categories. We were also able to use tagging and automations along with Kajabi’s events and countdown timers to close the application on a specific date. 

As we add more videos to the portal, students are able to view the videos immediately. We also utilize the email marketing feature in Kajabi so we can send updates to those in the membership.


With my Kajabi setup and tech integration services, we were able to launch this membership to the founding member cohort. With over 200 lessons being immediately available, it gives the members an opportunity to pick and choose lessons based on the support they need.

We set up an automation to ensure that once the application deadline hit, the page would roll over to an informational page only (with no application). All of this was automated using Kajabi’s automations and countdown timers which allows a smooth redirect from one page to the next. Since the deadline was the same for each member, we were able to use Kajabi’s countdown automations which eliminated the need for additional tools.

We routinely used the email marketing in Kajabi to send the launch emails as well as any informational emails throughout the membership, such as live Q&A sessions. 

Results and Benefits

The founding member cohort of the membership brought in over 40 members. This membership brings in a monthly recurring revenue of over $6K for my client. Since everyone has already been through my client’s programs, they already know my client’s teaching style and what they offer inside their programs. 

Members value this exclusive next-level support especially as they are able to choose which lessons they need the most and are able to go at their own pace. 

They also appreciate the prompt application of what they are taught which allows them to become a go-to expert in their community.

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